Rock Your Retirement Show

Why Elderly Parents Get Scammed – Episode 164



Ted Carr will be my co-host for this podcast. The last time he was here, he gave us a great insight on the 6 Stages of Retirement. In this episode of our show, we will talk about why elderly parents are getting scammed. We have an aging population and it's usually common for them to be targets of scams. Scammers target the elderly, as they are willing to listen, maybe lonely, and are more trusting than younger individuals. Scamming is a Problem Scamming is considered the crime of the 21st century. It's hard for us to know which is legit or not. Scams target people of all backgrounds, ages and income levels across continents. All of us may be victimized at some point in time. There's no one group of people who are more likely to be scammed. Why Are Elderly Parents Being Scammed? Seniors are being scammed because they have a significant amount of money sitting in their accounts. They also are difficult to prosecute and often go unreported, especially when there are no relatives around, so they are not considere