Rock Your Retirement Show

Downsize your Home and your Life: Ep. 157



Do you need to downsize your home? What about downsizing your life? Why are these things beneficial as we retire? We are re-releasing our episode about downsizing. Our guest is Kathy Gottberg, a published author of six books along with numerous magazine articles. On her blog,, Kathy explores ideas and experiences to help create a sustainable, meaningful, happy and rewarding life for herself and others. Since turning 60, Kathy has become increasingly interested in ideas around positive aging and retirement. Learn more about rightsizing and why downsizing doesn’t have to be a downgrade in this episode. On today’s show we discuss: * Rightsizing vs. downsizing * Why rightsizing is so beneficial as we age and retire * How to rightsize What is rightsizing? Anything you have in your life requires energy, time and effort to maintain. The beauty of rightsizing is it allows you to choose what’s important to you. Use your time, energy and resources on the things you value most. You can rightsize jus