Rock Your Retirement Show

Les and Kathe’s AirBNB Experience (Hotel Alternative): Ep 115



Les and Kathe talk about their AirBNB Experience! Why did they use AirBNB* and why is it a great hotel alternative? Les' brother invited us to watch his team play in the Rose Bowl. It was last minute.  Right after his time won.  We said yes, and immediately started looking for a hotel room.  But, oh no…all of the hotels were fully booked. EVERYTHING was sold out. The nearest available hotel was in Los Angeles, which was WAY to far! We had to find a hotel alternative if we wanted to see our family.  As a lark, I started checking AirBNB as a hotel alternative. I was really nervous because it was our first time in using this service.  We weren't sure what to expect.  Would it be dirty?  Would the owners be lurking around?  What kind of people would let us stay in their spare bedroom? And…Les is VERY private. The first few places I found on the website were whole apartments.  Those looked great!  The bad news was that they were $800.  That's right… $800 for one night.  Ouch!  A bit pricey for us