Rock Your Retirement Show

How Different Generation Groups Organize: Ep105



Lisa Woodruff was a previous guest and I brought her back for a second interview to talk about how different generation groups organize Lisa is a professional organizer, productivity specialist, and author. She believes organization is not a skill you are born with. It is a skill that is developed over time and changes with each season of life. I am an avid listener and big fan of her podcast show at I gave Lisa an update on my personal progress and yes, I am making progress! We also talked about my ” Sunday Basket” and if you listen to Episode 88 which was my first interview with Lisa you can learn more about that. What are the different Generation Groups? The dates can vary depending on where you look but here is a general idea: * The Silent Generation born between 1925 and 1945 * Baby Boomer Generation born between 1946 and 1964 * Generation X born between 1965 and 1980 * Millenials born between 1980 and after Lisa and I discuss how each generation deals with their “stu