Rock Your Retirement Show

What are the causes of Dizziness? episode 096



Have you ever experienced vertigo? What are the causes of dizziness? Dr. Kimberley Bell, DPT has been a Physical Therapist for nearly 15 years, and she specializes in helping people with dizziness.  She assesses and treats vertigo, dizziness, and imbalance in people of all ages.  She also helps with other issues thought to be related to aging as well. I brought her on the show to talk about the causes of dizziness, and also some potential treatments that can help. What is Balance? You might have heard of the five senses. These five senses are hearing, taste, sight, smell, and touch.  But there is another sense that we don't talk about. That is the sense of balance.  Without it, you wouldn't be able to sit or stand upright because you wouldn't be able to tell which way “up” was.  And you couldn't tell where “here or “there” was.  Without a sense of balance, gravity, wouldn't mean anything.  It would be fair to say that without any sense of balance, life would be unimaginably disab