Rock Your Retirement Show

Military Transitions with Doug Nordman: Episode 59



Doug Nordman is the author of ‘The Military Guide To Financial Independence And Retirement'. Doug's writing has to do with Military Transitions. If you think he's doing it for the money, you're wrong.  All of his writing revenue is donated to military charities. He's a retired submariner who's been living in Hawaii for over fourteen years. So if you hear the birds in the background, it’s because he is in a tropical area!  He and his wife, (who is a retired Navy Reservist), raised their daughter in the islands.    They enjoy slow travel all over the world (some of it on military Space A flights) and DIY home-improvement projects.  After retirement, he was “bit” by the surfing bug and learned to surf with his family.  Their daughter is now on Navy active duty with her spouse. Doug gives great advice about military transitions for services members and their families A few years after retirement, Doug stumbled into writing and became an author. His book provides service members, veterans, and th