Rock Your Retirement Show

Stuff and Retirement: Hillbilly Nerd Talk: Episode 55



Here's a sneak peak at the interview that Kathe did on Hillbilly Nerd Talk.  Hank and Petra talked to me about their own retirement.  During the interview, we wondered if stuff and retirement don't go together.  And, is “Retirement” even the right word? Many Baby Boomers are redefining what they want to do in their later years.  They can be more care free than the generations that came before.  That is, if they have prepared Financially. We talked about the fact that there are two types of Baby Boomer Retirements:  Those who planned financially and those who didn’t.  For those who have the financial resources, their retirement is more like a teenager’s life, but with the ability to do more. Even though the show, Rock Your Retirement, doesn’t specifically discuss finances, it is true that if you are completely financially strapped, you’ll be thinking about putting food on the table and a roof over your head.  We assume that the listeners to Rock Your Retirement have already done some financial planning and tha