Clarity On Fire

Side Chat: 6 ways to love (and keep) your job for years and years



In the 17-or-so years that I’ve been working, I’ve quit a LOT of jobs. I could probably do an Ariana Grande-style 7 rings musical rendition of all the jobs I’ve quit … but I’ll spare you.    (Though if you did want a list, you could just go back and listen to us recount all the (embarrassing) things we’ve quit on the podcast.)   From the Old Navy store at the outlet mall, to nannying, to investment firms, to law firms — I’ve quit ‘em all.    The longest I ever had any job was about a year-and-a-half — hardly long enough to achieve anything, but certainly long enough to know I hated it!     So, how did someone practically allergic to employment end up doing a job (I’m talking about coaching, obviously) for 10 years without quitting?   That’s what Kristen and I are diving into in a brand-new, super in-depth Side Chat! Listen in as we talk about:   Learning the hard way what a job is, and isn’t, meant to do for you  How your enjoyment of a job can magically change, even if you hated it before, when your mindset