Horror 101 Podcast

Episode 117: Horror 101 - Episode 117: Magic (1978)



This is episode 117 and our final show for 2021.  Written by the award winning William Goldman and scored by the legendary Jerry Goldsmith, this film sparked a huge debate between us as to whether or not its actually a horror film.  Join us for our Horror 101 treatment of Sir Richard Attenborough's Magic!Show Highlights:01:00  Prelude to Terror...03:40  Spotify Resolved...05:43  Introducing Magic...12:00  Magician Rising...16:30  On the Run...18:42  Peg Reconnection...21:27  How Long You Been Like This, Kid?26:30  Let's Go Fishing...29:00  Dummy Homicide...31:00  I Won't Do It!!35:30  I Think We're Dying...40:50  Scoring The Film...48:30  Conclusion!  Happy new year!