Research At The National Archives And Beyond!

Legacy: Honoring Richard “Dick” Lewis with Ruth D. Hunt



Join Hosts Janice and Cherekana of Speak On It ! for a conversation with Ruth D. Hunt about honoring her enslaved Great Great Grandfather - Richard "Dick" Lewis. Ms. Hunt has been researching her great, great grandfather Richard for over 40 years. Early on, she began with the oral history passed down from her Great Aunt Okie Clark, an entrepreneur, who owned a local restaurant with her husband Skipper in Glade Springs, Virginia.  She feels honored, privileged, and proud to paint the picture of her enslaved Great, Great Grandfather and serve as a scribe to tell his story. Ruth D. Hunt has changed the lives of many and is praised for her masterful achievements in the profession of genealogy. Like Alex Haley (her mentor) she wants to awaken people's consciousness and inspire all races to embark upon their personal journeys, explore their Roots, and interconnecting relationships.