Research At The National Archives And Beyond!

Finding My Nigerian Homeland with James Morgan lll



James R. Morgan III is a graduate of the Howard University in Washington, D.C. where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Communications and Africana Studies in 2011.  James is an active Prince Hall Freemason and as such he serves as Worshipful Grand Historian & Archivist of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia James is an active and experienced genealogist and is a member of the James Dent Walker Chapter of the African American Historical and Genealogical Society. He has presented at the 2016 International Black Genealogy Symposium as well as at the 2019 National Conference of the African American Historical and Genealogcal Society (AAHGS). James serves as a contributing scholar to the Bishop Henry McNeal Turner Project and is the author of The Lost Empire: Black Freemasonry in the Old West (1867-1906).  James is a Co-Panelist on both Black ProGen-Live and the Prince Hall Think Tank, both of which can be found on Youtube.