Elimination Of The Snakes

Elimination of the Snakes - Show #649



Life and political podcast.  Brought to you from The Divided States of America. We're getting old...  Beats the alternative! From an idiots mind: (FAIM) Gas prices are insane. Nation's drug-related overdose and death epidemic. Fact or Crap: 3 out of 3 for John this week. Mail Bag: ( eots@email.com ) No mail this week. Some good news: After the Camp Fire: Rebuilding Paradise. The rest of the news: Why do prices keep going up? What’s the cause of inflation? Ridin' with Biden!?! Vote blue in 22!!! A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. Videos of the Week: Texas Paul REACTS to Hate Mail calling him Satan with EPIC RESPONSE! Let's talk about a comprehensive gun control strategy.... Lawrence: GOP Position Is Kids Have To Die Because The Constitution Says So