God Is Not Fair?

The truth about Dreams



Dreams are something that we experience with both open and closed eyes. When we dream with open eyes, they become our motivation to live life our way and progress further towards the envisioned goals but, when we dream with closed eyes, they often leave us with anxiety, either positive or not so positive. We keep thinking why did we dream that? what does that mean? We try to decode our dreams, we google about them, we ask questions to people we trust. Sometimes we get a satisfactory response and sometimes, we don't. Ever thought that how would it be if we learn how we can utilize our dreams to help us reach our goal(s)? Yes, we have discussed it all in this episode with Dr. Balkrishna Korgaonkar, MBBS, MBA (IIM A), Practicing Hypnotherapist.  I'm sure you'll like it. I'll see you soon. Jai Hind Vivek