Solar Energy Show

Ten Clean Energy Myths



Copyright 2022 - The Energy Show, Barry Cinnamon Clean energy has come a long way since the first water wheel, windmill and solar cell. Solar, wind and battery systems are steadily replacing fossil fuels because they are both cleaner AND cheaper. For simple business reasons, the superior economics of wind and solar generation are steadily supplanting coal and methane for power generation. And electric vehicles are on track to replace 90% of new gasoline-powered vehicles within the next 20 years. But the fossil fuel industry is not going away without a fight. Since economics are no longer on the side of “drill baby drill,” fossil fuel companies and their supporters promote a variety of myths that clean energy is simply more expensive than good old gas and coal. I hate to break it to you, but candidly most of these clean energy myths have a kernel of truth. Yes, it is true that clean energy used to be expensive. Nevertheless, as a result of mass production and widespread deployment of solar, wind and batteri