The Melissa Ambrosini Show

457: Ending Period Poverty, Overcoming Menstrual Taboos, & Changing The World One Pad At A Time | Celeste Mergens



Imagine if you had to skip school or work each month because you didn’t have access to safe, affordable menstrual products… How many days would that add up to over your lifetime?Now imagine the flow-on effect those missed days would have on your education, your income, your family, and your future — all because you had your period…And now, on top of all that, imagine that no one ever taught you about periods in the first place. Or worse, that it was ingrained in you that menstruation was ‘bad’, ‘dirty’, and ‘shameful’...This is the distressing reality for girls and women all over the world — 500 million of them, in fact. It’s called ‘Period Poverty’. And in this mind blowing, heart expanding episode, Celeste Mergens — founder of the incredible not-for-profit, ‘Days For Girls’ — is sharing the remarkable story of how she and her team are working to end Period Poverty by increasing access to period products, providing holistic menstrual health education in communities around the globe, and creating Menstru