Grow With Angie And April: A Podcast For Teacherpreneurs

3 Things to do to Move Your TpT Store Forward



We'll be completely honest with you. We spent the first few weeks of this pandemic in a bit of panic mode which has the tendency to paralyze people from taking action. But we're coming out of that now and we want to share what we're doing to have some movement in our TpT business during this time. Don't worry, we're not going to tell you to shift everything to digital products. And, we're not going to just focus on the coronavirus. The 3 things that we're going to share are things that can benefit your business right now in the midst of the pandemic but also at any other time. 1. Survey your audience This is a tool that we've talked about before. This is a great time to be surveying your audience. A month ago, teachers felt like they needed everything. There was no plan at that time. Everyone was in panic mode. Now, they have a better understanding of what's expected of them and what they need. So, it's a great time to survey your audience. Here are some questions you could ask your audience: