Grow With Angie And April: A Podcast For Teacherpreneurs

Promoting New Resources and Resource Lines



2019 is quickly coming which has us thinking about product lines for the new year. So, April and I decided to chat about the strategies that we use for promoting our new products and product lines. We both worked on trying new things this year and have had great results. Here are our favorite, and most successful, strategies: You want to build hype before you release products April and I both admit that we used to stay quiet about the products we were working on. We were worried if we mentioned it someone else would swoop in and steal the idea. But, I'll be honest—getting your audience excited about what you're going to be releasing can really help. In the past, it would take 6 months to a year for our new products to really start gaining traffic. But, it's because we were just posting them to our TpT sites and leaving it at that. It's good to get traffic eventually, but that's not what you want when you've spent time on a product line. Some of the things that I released this year were year-long resources th