Grow With Angie And April: A Podcast For Teacherpreneurs

SEO Tips with Guest Noelle Pickering



We're on to round 2 of our blogging series! Blogging is something most of us know we should be doing, but struggle to stay on top of. There are so many questions such as “what platform should I use?” and “how often do I need to blog?”. We are going to address these questions throughout our series, but join us in our Facebook group  to start the conversation now. It’s also a great place to get support and advice when you are struggling to build your Teacher Pay Teachers businesses. I think there is one thing that more bloggers new and old seem to have questions about over anything else—SEO! We know it's important, but it seems so overwhelming to figure out what we need to do. Just in case you aren't familiar with the acronym yet, it stands for Search Engine Optimization. Basically, it's what gets your website, webpage, or blog post to show up in the search engine results. A little of what we discussed on the podcast could apply to your TpT store, but what we're really focused on