Grow With Angie And April: A Podcast For Teacherpreneurs

Thoughts on Outsourcing



Have you been thinking about outsourcing some of your TpT related tasks? Or, have you tried and had a great experience? Or a bad experience?  Join us in our Facebook group where we will further discuss this and many topics related to our Teacher Pay Teachers businesses. I want to start out by defining what we are talking about when we use the word "outsourcing". We aren't talking about editing. Both Angie and I have always used editors. I used to use my husband or a friend. Then, I tried exchanging working with other teachers where I would let them have the resource for free in exchange for their editing services. But, now I have an editor that I pay. You really need someone else to take double check your work for mistakes or things you have missed. It really isn't optional, but having someone edit my work doesn't really lighten my load. When we say "outsourcing", we are talking about taking something that we would normally do ourselves and paying someone else to do it. It could