Grow With Angie And April: A Podcast For Teacherpreneurs

Is My Facebook Ad Successful?



How can you tell if your Facebook ads are successful? Join us in our Facebook group where we will further discuss this and many topics related to our Teacher Pay Teachers businesses. Disclaimer: We are not Facebook experts. The information that we are sharing is from our personal experience. Please remember to test and analyze your own data to see what is working for you and your audience. You need to do what's best for you and your business. It's really all about trial and error once you have learned the basics.  The importance of trial and error Back in Episode 9: Our 3 Goals for Facebook Ads, Angie and I discussed how we feel about Facebook Ad courses. Angie hasn't taken any courses. I took one course a few years ago and wasn't really that happy with it. The person teaching the course had a different style to their page and I ended up feeling like I wasted my money. A course on how to use ads manager might be worth a small investment, $10 or $15. But, ads manager changes on a