Grow With Angie And April: A Podcast For Teacherpreneurs

Pinterest One-Tap Ads: First Thoughts



How has your strategy for Pinterest ads changed since the switch over to everyone having to use the one-tap version of pins to promote? Join us in our Facebook group where we will further discuss this and many topics related to our Teacher Pay Teachers businesses. Disclaimer: This topic is new for all of us. We have spent the last few weeks learning as much as we can about this topic and we are sharing with you. Please remember to test and analyze your own data to see what is working for you and your audience.   Update: About halfway through the episode, we talked about closeups showing in the dashboard as more than clicks. My ad rep said that the extra "closeups" where we don't get charged (subtract closeups from clicks) are in this situation: "As far as the swiping through closeups it is only on mobile. if you close up on an ad and swipe to the right it will show a closeup of the next ad on your feed and so on. Some people utilize the platform in this way so you aren't charge