Youth Worker On Fire Podcast

103 Chad Brewster - The Rock - Middle School Volunteer



Chad stands 6 foot 3 inches and is built like a pro wrestler. When he walks in a room you know it! He is no nonsense and unconventional for a student ministry volunteer. He didn’t usually smile or just say hi to new students. He stood tall looked down at them and asked, “What’s your name?”… still no smile. The middle school boys would try to take him down every week without success. He was their discipleship leader, he was at their sporting events, their graduations from middle school and later on high school. Chad always showed up and the students he led knew it! Normally I would get to know a person interested in volunteering for at least a year before inviting to them volunteer with our students, Chad was 4 months! He soon became a very big part of our middle school staff team and remained a long term volunteer staff member. He would consistently let me know by signaling from the back of the room that I had spoken to long, which was ok with me. I wanted to know and sometimes I would stop… sometimes. (ha ha