
ana035: Citizen of Nowhere Part 3 | Immigration is a Public Space Issue



We “rap up” our long lost “Citizen of Nowhere” series, and apply our theory of public space to present a unique perspective on the immigration debate. Can Hoppean principles justify open borders? Use hashtag #ana035 to reference this episode in a tweet, post, or comment View full show notes at   ----more----Intro A fancy “shout out” to old school rap group Endz n Meanz Discussion We started the conversation on immigration, then lost interest Lions of Liberty Debate on Open Borders – Dave Smith vs. Spike Cohen. “Recent” for us means “within the past 12 months or so” Tim’s Public Space theory We want to challenge the one thing Dave and Spike agreed on – exclusive private ownership of public space In a libertarian society, there should be public spaces where the owners can’t exclude people without cause Episode 19 – bad audio, “like reading the dictionary” Hoppe – Of Common, Public, and Private Property Ground our theory within Rothbardian/Hoppean theory Outline Owne