Soul Talks With Bill & Kristi Gaultiere

A Relaxed and Fruitful Life With Jesus



We know that Jesus is loving, holy, compassionate, and powerful.  On closer examination of his life in the book of Mark, we see he repeatedly handles stressful situations with a relaxed approach. We may struggle with stress and anxiety both in relationships and ministry.  Yet our relaxed and loving Lord is a wonderful example of resting in the easy yoke!In this episode of Soul Talks, Bill and Kristi focus on Jesus’ approach to life and ministry. He is our perfect example of walking in the easy yoke of the Father. You too can learn this way of life from our Lord, finding the freedom and rest he offers.Resources for this Episode:Follow Soul Shepherding on InstagramFollow Soul Shepherding on FacebookYour Best Life in Jesus’ Easy YokeSoul Shepherding StoreSoul Shepherding InstituteSoul Shepherding NetworkYou can read the transcript here.