Town Hall Seattle Arts & Culture Series

201. Peter Bacho with Robert Flor: Mostly True Stories of Filipino Seattle



According to census data, the greater Seattle area is home to the fifth-largest Filipino American population in the U.S — the majority of which arrived in the area after 1965. From the 1950s to 1970s, Filipino Americans, or Pinoys, faced serious hardships and struggles with racism, discrimination, and exploitation. It was a difficult life for many. The struggle persists today, with the U.S. seeing a steep rise in discrimination and violence against Asian Americans since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. In a new collection of autobiographical essays, Uncle Rico’s Encore, award-winning author Peter Bacho shared stories that illuminate the Filipino American experience. Bacho related vivid stories of community, generational connection, defiance, and activism, including resistance to the union-busting efforts of the federal government and organizing for decent housing and services for elders. He also illustrated the Filipino American experience of the era through intimate moments of everyday life in familia