Uxpod - User Experience Podcast

Ethnography - an Interview with Jared Braiterman



I spoke to Jared Braiterman, from jaredRESEARCH (www.jaredresearch.com). Jared has done ethnographic research many organisations.I asked him what's meant by ethongraphic research, and how it's applied.The Mobile China work Jared refers to is avaialble on his site (www.jaredresearch.com/mobilechina).The book on user research that he mentions is Mike Kuniavsky's Observing the User Experience (www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1558609237/informdesign) - a book which I coincidentally described on my infodesign.com.au website as "the only 'must-read' book in the field published in 2003". (References to books on this webiste are links to Amazon.com - we earn a small commission on any purchases you make on following such links).