Stephen J. Kosmyna

Goals and Dreams - Six Month Check Up



Here we are at the halfway point of the year. This is a great time to take a look at the results that you have created for yourself personally and professionally. If you have been listening to this show for awhile and have applied what I have been sharing, then you most likely set some pretty outrageous dreams and goals for yourself and / or your company. Are you still on track? Are you happy with where you are now? Or, did you fall back into the same old limiting habits and practices that have always kept you stuck? Celebrate your wins if you have them but don't beat yourself up if you don't. Just doing a honest evaluation at this point can be a big win if you take the proper steps to course correct. Be sure to listen to this entire episode for some simple instructions. Then share your wins or get in touch with me so I can help you uncover those often hidden self-limiting paradigms. Remember, your paradigms are the internal programming that keeps you distanced from the results you truly desire; for yourself