Tools For Every Day Leaders & Managers With Leadership Coach Kris Plachy

Business Minded with Jody Moore | S04E06



Has believing you’re not business minded held you back? If so, I have good news to share: That may only be because being business minded may not be as you envision it. There is much more to it than stats, accounting and marketing. Don’t allow behaviors and skills that can be cultivated and activated – even if you weren’t good at them in the past – hold you back any longer! Because how we think about all this can be such a hindrance, I wanted to address it. When I thought about how to approach this topic, my friend Jody Moore immediately came to mind. Jody is a gifted coach and she’s developed a program literally called “Business Minded”. As we recorded this episode, Jody shared how she used to believe she wasn’t business minded but learned differently. She and I go on to discuss several aspects of what it actually means to be business minded, including important metrics, consistent behaviors, sales approaches, and much more. “Without consistent behavior, skills don’t matter. And, the good news is, you don’t