Dementia Resilience With Jill Lorentz

DRwJL – A Couple, Both with Alz Diagnosis, Share Their Inspiring Journey



July 5, 2022 As one of the most inspiring interviews I have done to date, this ranks way high on the list. Today I spoke to my friends David and Virginia (Ginny), an absolutely couple, who have had enormously fulfilling lives, David as a Urologist and Ginny as an educator teaching middle school children and later, adult literacy, during her teaching career. I met them through the University of Colorado Neurology as they took my classes, then utilized my in-home assessment services. They moved from the mountains down to the metro area a few years ago, settling in a newly built area with gorgeous homes, but very little mature landscaping. Together we discussed their needs and wants for the futures, and how to downsize, as well as find a place where they could have a continuum of care in the future. Many people fight this and often fail to prepare to set themselves up for success. This couple is inspiring and show us how to live well, enjoying life, achieving new heights of love and acceptance of themselves,