Youth Worker On Fire Podcast

106 Death of a Student



Warning: This episode contains movie spoilers. You might need to know this. If you do, it most probably will take you by surprise. When a student dies it’s unnatural… It’s unexpected… It’s unsettling… It shakes a community. It will shake you up as well, but you are who many will look to for comfort, answers, and strength. What do you say? What’s right to say? More importantly what are the wrong things to say? #1 rule… Pray!  #2 rule… Just show up and keep showing up! People seldom remember what we say unless we say something inappropriate. Mostly they remember who was there in difficult times for them. They remember if we were selfless, if we were kind, and if we LISTENED to them instead of talking over them. You don’t have the answers, but God does. Remember to ask for His wisdom as you face the unknown. Loving a family when they have lost their child and that child’s future and dreams is a place of honor… but it will not feel like it. It will be painful, scary, unnerving, and so much more. When it’s about