Success 2.0

The Magic of Surrender with Kute Blackson



Kute Blackson has been called the mindfulness guru that billionaires go to for advice. He’s been featured on Larry King Now, Dr. Drew, NPR, Fox and Friends, Mind Body Green, and many more. Listen in as Kute uncovers the possibility that surrender, instead of being passive, is the most courageous act you can do to achieve more joy in your life What We Discuss in this Episode: “None of us has control in life. Our demand that life go the way we want is what causes so much suffering. Know that the degree to which you surrender determines the degree to which you are alive, the degree to which life can use you, the degree to which you can enjoy life.” -Kute Blackson’s Mother Understand that the ego is not who you are. It is a process not a thing. Ego is a construct of patterned conditioning. Once we can step back and observe that, we can understand that the ego means well and the mechanisms we’ve built based on fear start to melt away. We have to be willing to feel the feelings that we learned as children to suppr