Radio Free Sarawak

13 April 2022



On Tonight's Show: There Are Still Decent Politicians in Malaysia! Political cartoonist Zunar warns against the hysterical reaction to the Sultan's monkey MP painting, saying faith in politics is already dropping and we must champion the few MPs who still have integrity and act in the public interest. "50K Jetty is Crony Project!" We speak with Mr Nixion, a contractor from Beneku, who explains the real cost of the jetty would have been HALF the price! PH Must Stop In-Fighting! Mahirah Marzuki, program coordinator for Undi Sabah, says collaboration amongst the opposition is important, but voters are getting fed up. Topik Pada Malam Ini: Masih Ada Ahli Politik yang berintegriti di Malaysia! Kartunis politik Zunar memberi pandangan terhadap reaksi histeria terhadap lukisan Ahli Parlimen monyet yang dibeli oleh Sultan Selangor, berkata kepercayaan terhadap politik sudah menurun dan kita mesti memperjuangkan beberapa ahli parlimen yang masih berintegriti dan bertindak demi kepentingan awam. "Jeti 50K ialah Projek