Radio Free Sarawak

7 April 2022



On Tonight's Show: Sarawak DAP: "We Seek Cooperation with All Opposition Parties!" Sarawak DAP Chairman Chong Chen Jen says the party has set up a committee to study how the opposition can cooperate in Sarawak. B40 Students Need Laptops! After a viral video of a university student being scolded for using a phone to take an online class, former Deputy Minister for Education Teo Nie Ching slams government's funding policy saying students must be provided laptops. How Can YBs Represent the People If They Don't Go To Parliament! RFS listener Elias Lippie blasts YBs for missing parliamentary sessions and not speaking out on behalf of their constituents, saying many YBs are often absent. This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: DAP Sarawak: “Kami Usaha Kerjasama Dengan Semua Parti Pembangkang Di Sarawak!”Pengerusi DAP Sarawak Chong Chen Jen berkata parti itu telah menubuhkan satu jawatankuasa untuk mengkaji bagaimana pembangkang Sarawak boleh bekerjasama. Pelajar B40 Perlu Komputer Riba! Selepas video tula