Radio Free Sarawak

15 March 2022



On Tonight's Show: Why did BN win in Johor? By Funding Opposition Parties to Split the Vote, claims Iswardy! The Sarawak activist also warns against opposition coalitions ahead of GE15, claiming the parties should reshuffle and prioritise strategy and new members. NGOs Request UN Investigate Sabah Carbon Deal! DAP's Barnie Lasimbang continues the fight against Sabah's "dodgy" $80 billion carbon credit scheme, asking the UN to clarify if the deal is illegal under international law. Dayak Land Should Not Be Surveyed Under Section 6! PKR's Abun Sui blasts "unfair" treatment of Dayak landowners who are denied having their land surveyed under Section 18, meaning they don't get any compensation from the government. This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: Mengapa BN menang di Johor? Dengan Membiayai Parti Pembangkang untuk Memecahkan Undi, dakwa Iswardy! Aktivis Sarawak juga memberi amaran terhadap pakatan pembangkang menjelang PRU15, mendakwa parti itu perlu merombak dan mengutamakan strategi dan ahli bah