Radio Free Sarawak

9 March 2022



On Tonight's Show: More Development Plans Show Abang Jo Has No Idea How To Solve Land Ownership Problem in Sarawak! Activist Dennis Along blasts the state and federal governments for failing to deal with NCR cases, saying the people of Sarawak want land rights and the right to develop—but the land cases must be solved first before GPS plough on with more plans! Strengthen Native Court of Sabah to Protect Land Rights! After the bizarre high court ruling in Kinabulu which removed the claimant's NCR rights, DAP's Barnie Lasimbang calls for courts to pass these cases onto Native Courts which understand the law! Will Proposed Kpg Trombol University Give Fair Access to All? President of PBDSM Bobby William slams plans to build a public university in the small town when residents of cities like Miri and Limbang also need more access to education. This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: Semakin Banyak Rancangan Pembangunan, Menunjukkan Abang Jo Tiada Idea Menyelesaikan Masalah Pemilikan Tanah di Sarawak! A