Radio Free Sarawak

8 March 2022



On Tonight's Show: Najib's Lies Are Catching Up With Him! PKR's Fahmi Fadzil blasts the disgraced ex-PM for making misleading statements in parliament about the 1MDB scandal. He warns Johor voters to reject Najib's lies at the polls, fearing UMNO/BN are aiming to win GE15 purely to free their corrupt leader, Najib. Will Federal Drafting of Carbon Law See Putrajaya Take Control of More Resources in Sabah and Sarawak? DAP's Barnie Lasimbang warns Sarawak's jurisdiction of its own resources is once again under threat through the federal drafting of a carbon law—as the public carbon feud in Sabah rages on. "We Don't Care About "Premier" Title—What Are GPS' Manifesto Promises?!" RFS listener Romual Siew slams GPS leaders as "crazy" and self-interested as the economy crumbles in Sarawak and they debate over their titles and ranks. This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: Pembohongan Najib Mengejar Dia! Fahmi Fadzil dari PKR mengecam bekas PM yang memalukan kerana membuat kenyataan mengelirukan di parlimen m