Radio Free Sarawak

17 February 2022



On Tonight's Show: Johor Polls Stepping Stone for UMNO Power-Grabbing Court Cluster! Political commentator Iswardy Morni blasts Umno's strategy which he says will see their corrupt and convicted leaders released from court prosecution, and calls on Johor to vote for the opposition to keep kleptocrats out! He also slams Abang Jo's switch from CM to Premier as "shallow". Will Sarawak's Rubber Development Be Fair For Sarawakians? Baram activist Thomas Jalong warns against potential land disputes, saying more transparency is needed over whether these rubber licences will be given to farmers or huge enterprises. "I Fear Orang Asal are Losing Their Rights!" RFS listener Apai Mei explains why he disagrees that Non-Orang Asal be listed as indigenous. This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: Johor Batu Loncatan untuk Kluster Mahkamah UMNO Meraih Kuasa! Pengulas politik Iswardy Morni membidas strategi Umno yang katanya akan menyaksikan pemimpin yang korup dan menyabitkan kesalahan dibebaskan daripada pendakwaan