Radio Free Sarawak

16 Febraury 2022



On Tonight's Show: Sabah Carbon Fiasco Proves Sabah Gov is Weak! DAP's Barnie Lasimbang explains the latest developments with Sabah's AG back-tracking on the "invalid" deal, as key players double down on its legitimacy. He says the scandal is just the tip of the iceberg. Penans Cut Off After Murum Dam Landslide! We speak to RFS listener Surang Laing who is stuck in the Penan settlement about the logging and development which is causing more severe and frequent landslides. Surang also details GPS' broken promises which have left the Penan without aid, schools and clinics. Keep Your Eyes On GPS After Switch to "Premier"! Kamarul, MUDA's Director of Policy, asks how the name change helps Sarawak citizens, and warns for everyone to pay attention to what GPS will do next... Topik Pada Malam ini: Kegagalan Karbon Sabah Buktikan Kerajaan Sabah Lemah! Barnie Lasimbang dari DAP menjelaskan perkembangan terkini dengan AG Sabah menjejaki perjanjian "tidak sah", apabila pihak utama menegaskan kesahihannya. Dia berkata