Radio Free Sarawak

10 February 2022



On Tonight's show: CARBON DEALS "NEVER BENEFIT" LOCAL COMMUNITIES: Nithi Nesadurai, President of EPSM, says carbon schemes like Sabah make big bucks for the middlemen and brokers and leave indigenous communities with nothing, not even protected land rights. For carbon schemes to work, there must be more transparency and citizen participation, he says. "DISBAND NRC IF GOV WILL IGNORE COUNCIL": DAP's Teo Nie Ching says if the council's recommendations are not heeded, then it can be dissolved and Muhyiddin fired, and taxpayers can stop funding his fat salary, driver and expenses. SHOULD WE OPEN THE BORDERS? PKR's Abdul Jalil thinks not as numbers increase. But can Malaysia survive? This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam ini: PERNIAGAAN KARBON “TIDAK MEMANFAATKAN” KOMUNITI TEMPATAN: Nithi Nesadurai, Presiden EPSM kata skim karbon Sabah membenarkan orang tengah dan broker mengaut keuntungan besar dan tiada kebaikan untuk orang asli bahkan hak tanah. Untuk skim karbon berjaya, ia mesti tulus dan melibatkan ra