Radio Free Sarawak

9 February 2022



On Tonight's Show: "Carbon Deals Will Not Solve Climate Change!" President of Sahabat Alam Malaysia, Meenakshi Raman, blasts Abang Jo's latest plans to follow in Sabah's carbon footprints and reveals there are reports of indigenous people being evicted from their own lands in other countries because of the carbon credit market! More flooding in Selangor directly linked to logging! Ecologist Lim Teck Wyn demands a joint study with federal government to understand the impact of bad development in Sarawak. And, The Government Must Do More! RFS listeners discuss inflation and the sorry state of education in Sarawak. This and more from 6pm... Topik Pada Malam Ini: "Perniagaan Karbon Tidak Akan Menyelesaikan Perubahan Iklim!" Presiden Sahabat Alam Malaysia, Meenakshi Raman, membidas rancangan terbaru Abang Jo untuk mengikuti jejak karbon Sabah dan mendedahkan terdapat laporan mengenai orang asli diusir dari tanah mereka sendiri di negara lain kerana pasaran kredit karbon! Banyak banjir di Selangor berkait secara