Radio Free Sarawak

3 February 2022



On Tonight's Show: Opposition Needs Unity to Ward Off Return of Najib! Political commentator Iswardy analyses the opposition's fractured set up in Johor, and says Najib and Zahid are both vying to be PM to protect themselves. He says the public keep a close eye on UMNO. Penan Children Can't Attend School because of MyKad! Headman Kala Kone asks what is really the problem behind NRD's reluctance to give the Penans ICs Dayaks Must Preserve Their Culture! RFS listener Dato Paduka Anthony Nait calls for maintaining traditional culture to achieve political unity amongst the Dayaks. Topik Pada Malam Ini: Pembangkang Perlu Bersatu untuk Menghalang Kepulangan Najib! Pengulas politik Iswardy menganalisis perpecahan pembangkang yang diberlaku di Johor, dan berkata Najib dan Zahid sama-sama bersaing untuk menjadi PM untuk melindungi diri mereka. Beliau berkata rakyat sentiasa memerhati tingkah laku UMNO. Anak Penan Tak Dapat Ke Sekolah Kerana MyKad! Ketua Kampung Kala Kone bertanya apakah sebenarnya masalah di sebalik