Radio Free Sarawak

2 February 2022



On Tonight's Show: "Responsible Governments Should Solve the Problems They Produce!" Peter Kallang of Save Rivers say the government must pay for the fall-out of yet more flooding in Baram by reinvesting land profits into the people, stopping mining and logging, and implementing reforestation policies immediately. Illegal logging arrests in Tamin Selangu "a farce"! RFS listener Stephen Epay says illegal logging is common in Sarawak, and reveals NCR land land was confiscated by timber companies in recent months. Abang Jo's constituency has no Electricity or Water! Abang Jo wants to make Sarawak a leader in the digital economy? Well his Satok citizens still live without basic necessities, says Mohammed Afiq of MUDA. Topik Pada Malam Ini: "Kerajaan Yang Bertanggungjawab Adalah Kerajaan Yang Seharusnya Menyelesaikan Masalah Yang Mereka Timbulkan!" Peter Kallang dari Save Rivers berkata kerajaan mesti membayar untuk segala bentuk kemusnahanyang berlaku termasuk kejadian banjir yang kini semakin kerap berlaku di