Radio Free Sarawak

1 February 2022



On Tonight's Show: Abang Jo Unaware of Reality in Sarawak! He claims Sarawak will lead the digital economy when children in his own district cannot access online education! Uncontrolled Logging is Destroying Baram! Environmental Activist Komeok Joe says the "uncontrollable" situation putting entire villages at risk is due to climate change and logging. When will the government step in to help? GPS-Marudi Assembyman Never Visited Constituents Hit by Floods! RFS listener blames Samling for the flooding and says GPS has never reviewed the situation. Bersih: Hold Community Leaders Election for Longhouse Chiefs! Ann Teo says this is the only way to avoid threats made by YBs. This and more from 6pm... Rancangan Pada Malam Ini: Abang Jo Tidak Sedar Realiti di Sarawak! Beliau mengatakan Sarawak akan menerajui ekonomi digital apabila budak-budak sekolah di daerahnya tidak dapat mengakses pendidikan secara dalam talian! Pembalakan Tidak Terkawal Memusnahkan Baram! Aktivis Alam Sekitar Komeok Joe berkata situasi y