Radio Free Sarawak

26 January 2022



On Tonight's Show: Is 'Invest Sarawak' Another Vehicle for Land Grabs?! Dominique Ng questions GPS' new initiative, stating most companies from the mainland and abroad have done nothing to help Sarawakians. And, Gov Incorrectly Claiming Plantation Land as Forest! PEKA VP Damien Thanam reveals forest is only 20% of Malaysia's land mass, NOT the 50% claimed by the government! Also, Many Dayak Headmen Not Qualified to Represent Community! PBDSB President Bobby Williams says Headmen bought by politicians are ruining the integrity of Dayak longhouses. Also, Essential Development Delayed in Sarawak as Bait for Future Elections! RFS listener Tedwin Beti slams GPS ancient tactics which deny Sarawakians basic needs to buy votes. This and more from 6pm... Dalam progrem Radio Free Sarawak lemai tu kitai ngenang pasal:Kati Sarawak ti beranakka puku nya sebengkah akal dikena ngerampas tanah bansa asal?! Dominique Ng madahka GPS ti baru berengkah nudukka kompini dagang di menua tu enggau di menua luar tang nadai nguntungk