Magnificent Time For Entrepreneurs

Magnetizing Your Following with Authenticity and Intent



Cloris Kylie interviews bestselling author, entrepreneur, and media personality Dianne Collins. Dianne will share her insights on Personal branding from the perspective of distinguishing our purpose and how we want to be known.  This process involves creating from what you want – rather than relating to yourself based on the past. Tune in for a half hour that will help you magnetize your following in ways you never imagined! More about Dianne Dianne Collins, original thinker and media personality, is the author of the 6-time award-winning bestseller, Do You QuantumThink? New Thinking That Will Rock Your World, considered a must-read for our changing times. Dianne created the QuantumThink® system of thinking — 21 principles that connect us to living our full potential — from inner serenity to harmonious relationships, business results, and global affairs. For more than 25 years, Dianne and her husband Allan Colins have presented QuantumThink® with outstanding success to executives, managers, consultants, and s