Magnificent Time For Entrepreneurs

Contagious Optimism with David Mezzapelle



Do you live in a friendly or in a hostile world? Would you like to bring in positivism into your life? Join Cloris Kylie as she interviews speaker and author David Mezzapelle. Through the stories that he’s gathered from people all over the world, David will explain how a positive frame of mind can help us lead a happy, fulfilled life. About David: David Mezzapelle is the author of Contagious Optimism, an uplifting book series that contains real stories from people around the globe which demonstrates that every cloud has a silver lining. Mezzapelle was the founder of Goliath Technology, a global data center infrastructure company. Mezzapelle also orchestrated one of the most innovative internship programs ever created, a staple for organizations today. After selling Goliath, Mezzapelle launched several companies and philanthropic initiatives along with serving on various boards. Throughout his life, he has encountered great peaks and valleys all of which he is grateful for and has always kept his glass "comple