1m: A Homeopath's Podcast

18. Case Inventory, Part 1 or.. Level up your practice homeopathically! (S2018)



I believe the most effective study and training we can do is homeopathic to our own needs. But how do we figure out what our needs are- homeopathically- for our own skills and practice to progress? This episode- on doing a Case Inventory- is one step I’m taking to answer that question. This is where I remind you that way back in that first episode of the podcast I likened these shows to inviting you into my studio where everything is in progress and a mess- and not my gallery where the finished pieces are hanging up for sale. Because this episode and and next, on Case Inventory,  is pure experiment with a capital E. I have an idea and I’m trying it out and inviting you to witness and if it grabs you- try it too. Basically what I have done is look through my caseload over the last 2 years, give or take a few months, and pull out those cases that have gone cold- truly cold. Sometimes people come back years later, but in this case, these folks have not returned for treatment in many months or over a year, despit