Thy Strong Word From Kfuo Radio

Genesis 38. A signet, cord, and staff.



Rev. Steven Theiss, vacancy pastor of Immanuel Lutheran Church in New Wells, MO joins Rev. Brady Finnern to study Genesis 38. God chooses people for our salvation that we would not more than likely choose. Judah did follow God’s law which brought a snowball effect of sin and these sins led to the demise of a few of the sons. The issues that arose for the family was less to do with “generational sin” and more to do with a lack of faith. The intentions of Tamar were good, there must be an heir through Judah, but the actions were immoral. The reminder we have throughout the Bible is that our focus as Christians is not on ourselves. Our focus on our Redeemer who works through all things. “Lord Jesus Christ, as You provide for all of our needs, help us to live a good and holy life by Your Holy Spirit. Open our eyes that we may believe that You will work through all things for Your good and Your purposes. Lord have mercy. Amen”