Thy Strong Word From Kfuo Radio

Genesis 37. I had a dream!



Rev. Joseph Barlau, pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Seymour, IN joins Rev. Brady Finnern to study Genesis 37. Joseph has a dream, but it is the first non-theophany dream. The dream did not require an interpretation, according to each dream it was assumed that he would rule over his family one day. Clearly, this would not be received well by his family, which is why the old Adam would quickly come to the conclusion of how to eliminate Joseph from the scenario. We can easily think that “if only that person wasn’t around everything would be fine.” Although we are not selling our siblings to strangers, we need to repent when we are overcome by jealousy and treat people not as a gift but a burden. We see ourselves in the brothers and are reminded of the value of each person as one created by our LORD and died for by Christ. “Lord Jesus, forgive us on account of the cross for my lack of valuing Your people. Keep us from jealousy and lead us to a holy life of loving and caring for others with grace and love