
Rand(Nerds); Episode 193 - Natual Skill Vs Learned Talent



Welcome to episode 193, we actually a gaming podcast really.... Due to some issue with Car Accidents we have limited stuff to talk about, but we'll power on regardless. Skazz has been wading into the 'debate' of natural skill vs learnt knowledge. playing some unfamiliar games, including Valorant, DOTA 2, League of Legends, Overwatch and seeing how he improves to try a prove a point. We also discuss skazz issues with Apple system data usage, the secret behind magic smoke, and the complexity of quaternions Notes: See if you have natural talent and beat skazz at Valorant, DOTA 2, League of Legends, Overwatch Don't let out the magic smoke! Melt your brain (maybe) with Quaternions You can Join us for our next Livesteam on Saturday 18th June 2022 21:30 GMT+1 On Youtube Twitch Also check out our next game night on Tuesday 21st June at approx 20:30 GMT+1 on Twitch: Sk4zzi0us TheSuffolkRam